Will House Insurance Cover Roof Solar Panels?

More and more American families have purchased roof solar panels for their own reasons of energy conservation and environmental protection. Moreover, the use of solar panels can save electricity bills for all: over a 20-year period, homeowners using solar energy can save an average of $56000 in New York, $63000 in Boston, and $90000 in Los Angeles.

However, many people are still on the sidelines: first, it is expensive to buy a solar panel, and they have to worry about the damage caused by bad weather conditions. And when the solar panel is damaged, can the insurance claim?

Generally speaking, solar panels are regarded as permanent accessories, so in the view of insurance companies, they are regarded as part of the house. In other words, your insurance company will cover damaged solar panels.

However, it should be noted that although your house insurance can cover solar panels, do not buy insurance with too little value preservation, because the replacement cost of solar panels is very expensive, about $16800.

Even if your home insurance can cover any possible loss, if the claim limit does not meet the cost of repairing or replacing solar panels, you still need to pay additional costs.

Housing insurance is like auto insurance. Ask more questions and make more inquiries, and shop around without losing money!

The premium of housing insurance will vary by hundreds of dollars due to factors such as coverage, out-of-pocket amount, and different insurance companies. In fact, just like auto insurance, each housing insurance company evaluates the owner’s personal conditions with different emphasis, and the premium rate will be different; It is recommended to comprehensively refer to the premium quotation and service evaluation of various companies to select the most suitable premium scheme.

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