Photovoltaic power plants consist of a complete set of photovoltaic power generation systems, which are affected by various factors during installation, resulting in changes in power generation. Project location, installation direction, and tilt angle all affect the power generation of the power plant.
So, having an installation intention is not enough. How to implement it specifically still needs to refer to the three dimensions of project site selection, installation direction, and inclination angle for specific analysis and design.
Project site selection
Taking fixed installation as an example, it is mainly influenced by the latitude and longitude of various regions. As the latitude increases from high to low, the proportion of optimal tilt angle power generation relative to 0 ° increases from 18% to 3%.
Compared to the total radiation on the horizontal plane, the total radiation on the inclined plane will increase more in high latitude areas.
The conclusions are as follows: for the same total horizontal radiation, the greater the power generation in the higher latitude area, and in the high latitude area, the power generation can be significantly increased by using different installation angles in different seasons;
In low latitude areas, different installation angles are used in different seasons, resulting in little variation in power generation.
Installation direction
It is generally installed in the due south direction, and the inclination angle of the installation is generally equal to the local longitude and latitude or fluctuates by a few degrees.
Through field testing, compared to the optimal fixed inclination installation, the total radiation of horizontal single axis tracking has increased by 17% -30%, and the radiation of dual axis tracking has increased by 35% -43%.
It is not difficult to see that a scientific and reasonable installation plan needs to be designed based on the specific site selection of the project, as well as the local sun height, sunshine duration, etc., in order to determine the final installation direction.
Tilt angle
The tilt angle should closely follow the installation direction and be adjusted according to the seasons. After all, the solar elevation angle is different in different seasons.
In order to maximize the power generation efficiency, it is also necessary to adjust the orientation and tilt angle in a timely manner to ensure that the PV modules can capture sunlight and collect energy in a timely and effective manner.
In addition, factors affecting system efficiency, including line loss, component efficiency, and maintenance level, should also be considered, which will affect the overall power generation efficiency of the photovoltaic system.
In the past, many people had a one-sided understanding and insufficient understanding of photovoltaic power generation, believing that the effectiveness of photovoltaic power generation was not ideal.
The misconception lies here, indicating that the installation direction and angle are not yet optimal, and the photovoltaic conversion efficiency of photovoltaic modules is naturally low.
We hope that by improving our understanding, we can help you solve your questions about photovoltaic power generation.