It’s Time! Let’s Get To Know Photovoltaic Again

What is photovoltaic?

Photovoltaic industry, PV for short. 76% of China’s land has abundant light and the distribution of light energy resources is relatively uniform; Compared with hydropower, wind power, and nuclear power, solar power generation has no emission and noise, mature application technology, safety, and reliability.

In addition to large-scale grid-connected power generation and off-grid applications, solar energy can also be stored by pumping, superconductivity, storage battery, hydrogen production, and other ways.

Solar energy + energy storage can almost meet China’s stable energy demand in the future. Solar energy is the cleanest, safest, and most reliable energy in the future. Developed countries are taking the development and utilization of solar energy as the main content of the energy revolution and making long-term planning. The photovoltaic industry is increasingly becoming another explosive industry after it and the microelectronics industry in the world.

The best way to use solar energy is photovoltaic conversion, which is to use the photovoltaic effect to make solar light shine on silicon materials to generate current and generate electricity directly. The photoelectric conversion industry chain formed by the application and development of silicon materials is called the “photovoltaic industry”, including the production of high-purity polysilicon raw materials, solar cell production, solar cell module production, manufacturing of relevant production equipment, etc.

Industrial advantages

1. Never dry up.

2. The geographical location of the place where solar energy is collected is not high; Relatively speaking, hydropower stations or wind power stations have high requirements for geographical location.

3. The time and cost of building a solar power station are lower than that of a hydropower station.

4. The use of solar energy will not cause environmental pollution and is ideal green energy. However, the exploitation of raw materials and the production of photovoltaic products will also consume a lot of energy and cause pollution.

5. It has a wide range of applications. Even ordinary families can use solar energy to generate electricity.

Therefore, in order to exploit and use solar energy more effectively, countries all over the world continue to develop solar photovoltaic module technology and make use of this “inexhaustible” energy as much as possible.

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